Lucy Lambe - Profile Picture

Lucy Lambe

Lucy is a sculpture and combined media artist who’s practice encompasses live art performance, painting, illustration, social practice and installation. From stabling horses in her studio, performing communion in a nightclub to orchestrating public engagement projects from her Green Sheep Studios, her art imitates her rather full and chaotic life at times – flying off on tangents but invariably landing in a place of nurture and empathy.

Artist Statement

I am interested in people, society, injustices, interaction and reaction. Being sometimes confrontational, provocative, and I hope, subversive. My process is reactive with work arising from a strong need to visualise an injustice in some way, often with conflicting registers. Sometimes it can seem somewhat challenging, but there is always a core reflection concerning environment, society or humanity which emerges in my practice; at its most basic level my art is about nurture -sprinkled with rage.

Above: ‘Re-imagining St. Bridget’ Illustration by Lucy Lambe, 2024



BA, Fine Art in Sculpture and Combined Media
Limerick School of Art & Design (Graduating 25′)


2024: ‘Re-imagining St. Bridget’, Green Sheep Studio
2024: ‘Imbolc’, Treaty Space, Limerick
2023: Ballinacourty House
2023: ‘Protest’, LSAD
2023: ‘Inflatable Sculptures’, Hunt Museum
2023: ‘Oh Christ’, Red Hen (Performance Show)

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