Nua Collective present FANTASTICAL REALITY, their 3rd Virtual Online Exhibition

Fantastical Reality

Embrace the fantastical


Virtual showcase – 7.00pm
Online release – 8.30pm

Approaching their first anniversary, Nua Collective is delighted to present their third virtual online exhibition and showcase presentation. Created in November 2020, the collective was established to provide a platform for professional, practicing artists to support their practice, offer collaborative opportunities and to showcase and sell their works. For its first season, Nua Collective plays host to 50 multidiscipline artists representing 8 nationalities with all artists having an Irish connection.

Fantastical Reality is a concept that has many avenues to discover. It has provided an opportunity for many of our members to break out of their independent practice offering a space to look at things from a different perspective. As successfully apparent in EQUINOX, our 2021 Spring exhibition, we have adapted a similar approach to our process for this exhibition. Through a positive and constructive sharing environment, we have engaged collectively to develop our works for this exhibition – the progress shown is proving to be a very engaging, creative exhibition.

All works exhibited will be priced under €300 offering new collectors an opportunity to start their art collection or providing an extra special Christmas present.


Our preview presentation will act as our ‘opening night’ giving you a narrated introduction to all works featured in FANTASTICAL REALITY among the featured artists, concluding with a brief Q&A session. It is free to attend this session however tickets are limited so please book via

We look forward to sharing the FANTASTICAL REALITY of Nua Collective direct to your home.

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