Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour

This piece is part of a series of studies made during the zoonotic covid-19 pandemic based on observations of frequently occurring trash – rubber, plastic, synthetic material disposable gloves.


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The zoonotic covid-19 pandemic occurred while I was in my final year of MFA studies at Belfast School of Art, UU. During that time of uncertainty a certain pattern of noticeable human behaviours and accompanying new trash trails emerged. Disposed seemingly everywhere, alongside all the single use masks and other medical debris, were gloves made of latex, rubber, plastic and cotton blends, all sorts of synthetic concoctions. Sticking out from natural environments like a sore thumb. As much as one can blame the hand of God in an apocalypse, humans are made in the image of the Lord. Can we thus prevent our own demise? This series is about noticing things. These are still life studies made from direct observation.

  • Katrīna Tračuma
  • 21
  • 29,5
  • oil paint on canvas sheet
  • 2021
  • oil paint, glove, red, blue, Katrina Tracuma, still life, hand, religion, covid-19
Dimensions 21 × 295 cm