Cows of Rosa Bonheur Amongst Jackfruit Trees

This painting is inspired by portrayals of cows from artist annimalier Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899) and the jackfruit – which is a great healthy and cruelty free alternative to eating cows.


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This piece is for the upcoming ‘Art of Compassion Project’ vegan recipe book. My assignment was to portray cows, for a recipe that includes jackfruit as a healthy and cruelty free replacement for beef/cattle. I was inspired to research cows depicted in paintings throughout history, so I naturally landed on two pieces by one of my favourite artists – animalier Rosa Bonheur. Thus, ‘Cows of Rosa Bonheur amongst jackfruit trees’ is born. This stylistically very vibrant and compositionally harmonious work naturally draws the viewers eye from the more dispersed foliage to the detailedly portrayed cows. Leading us to consider our choices when it comes to consumption of food, while paying homage to one of the greatest realist painters.

  • Katrīna Tračuma
  • 29,2
  • 41,2
  • Acrylic ink on paper
  • 2024
  • cow, Katrina Tracuma, animal, vegan, acrylic, ink, painting, nature,
Dimensions 292 × 412 cm